021 - 88  31  85  02

Co2 Absorbent in Dive System

Acrolime is a porous granular Sodalime absorbent for removal of acidic contaminants like CO2 in gas stream. This product made of calcium hydroxide and additives.
1-   Purification of breathable gases in closed diving apparatus.
2-   Purification of breathable gases in submarines.
1-  Low density and large surface area.
2-  High CO2 absorbing capacity.
3-  Color change after saturation (pink to white).
4-  Good mechanical property against crushing.
Technical characteristic
Required Obtained Unit Specification No
25 27 % Co2 Absorption capacity 1
12-19 15 % Moisture 2
78 92 % Granule size (4-8 mesh) 3
7/5 2 % Wate adsorption 4
75 97 % Hardness 5